Ballinteer Church

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Music Ministry

St John's Gospel Choir,   Organist   &   Soloists,
  The Family Mass Choir,   Ballinteer Male Voice Choir

Introduction by Canon Liam Belton, P.P., Moderator

Canon Liam Belton

An introduction to our music ministry by our parish priest, Canon Liam.
"St. Augustine says that "he who sings to God prays twice". This gives some insight into the importance of music in our liturgy and the importance of the music ministry in our parish. We are grateful to all who contribute both their time and talents to the music ministry which adds so much to our Liturgical celebrations".

St John's Gospel Choir

Our Gospel Choir was set up in September 2009 and now has over 70 members

For the first ten years, the Gospel Choir was inspired and led by Mary Lowe O'Gorman, and all in the parish greatly appreciate her work with the choir. Mary stepped down in December 2019, and in January 2020, Kate Donohoe took up the role of conductor.

While we have more than enough singers for the choir, we are still looking for musicians over 18 years of age and we would be delighted if you would contact us through the Parish Office, Tel:4994203.

Gospel Choir

Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the main Church.

Thank you so much for your continued support to our Masses. Music adds so much to the Liturgy and our Gospel Choir are delighted to share their talents with our parishioners in St. John the Evangelist Church Ballinteer. We look forward to seeing you at our Sunday Masses.


Brian, Fran & Ronan Musicians with the St. John's Gospel Choir

Everyone is very welcome and we would love
you to celebrate Mass with us.

Organist & Soloists

Maria and soloists

Organist Maria Byrne with soloists Veronica and Ciara

Family Mass & Choir

Our 11.00a.m. Family Mass is celebrated usually every two weeks.

We will have young readers & musicians at each Mass and we would welcome some more to join our group.
If you think your child would be interested please contact Annette Farrell on 086-8522051

Ms Tarny Reilly is the leader of the Family Mass Choir

Everyone is very Welcome!

Ballinteer Male Voice Choir (BMVC)


Celebrating 20 years of male voice choral singing at home and abroad.

From 25th to 29th October 2014, to celebrate our jubilee year, BMVC traveled to Italy where we performed in Florence (together with Coro La Martinella, the wonderful Florentine choir that received a standing ovation in Ballinteer last May) and in Rome, where we performed in the International Pontifical College, Maria Mater Ecclesiae and in the Pontifical Irish College at the 10am Sunday Mass.


Relaxing with our friend Fr Moses at the Irish College in Rome


The choir singing on the Ponte Vecchio in Florence.

The Ballinteer Male Voice Choir usually sing in our church on Good Friday and on Christmas Day and other selected dates which will be announced in advance.

Since its foundation the BMVC has developed a reputation for excellence in its performances at home and abroad, performing in a great variety of venues and events including many National competitions at which they achieved notable success. There are currently 30 members in the choir many of whom are there since its foundation.

On 25th May 2013, BMVC hosted its third International Festival which featured choirs from Florence, Italy (Coro La Martinella), Angers, France (Le Choeur d'Hommes d'Anjou) and Dublin, Baldonnel MVC. It was our largest festival to date, with a full church audience and a wonderful evening's entertainment was had by all.
Our sincere thanks to all who supported the concert and to all who came on the night.

On 28 July 2013, BMVC welcomed Dovre, a male voice choir from Norway to Ballinteer in its centenary year. BMVC has received an invitation to visit Denmark in September 2013 from Mandskoret, Sonderborg, with whom it performed in St John’s GAA Club in September 2011 marking its 90th anniversary.

BMVC website

Church Loop System

Loop system

A Loop system is provided in the Church for the benefit of hearing aid users.

Thank You

We would like to thank you very much for taking the time to read about music ministry in our Church of St. John the Evangelist, Ballinteer, Dublin 16, Ireland. Should you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact us and if you enjoyed the music at Mass please let us know as the groups would be delighted to hear about it. Our contact details are at the link below. You can e-mail, write or telephone us and we will be very happy to reply to you. Go raibh mait agat, slán agus beannacht.