Ballinteer Church

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Parish Groups

All Groups can be contacted through the Parish Office Telephone No. 01-499 4203

1. Care of the Church
  - Altar Society
      (Care and Cleaning of the Church)
  - Flower Arrangers
  - Gardening Group
  - Catering for Parish Events

2. Parish Support
  - Parish Office
  - Finance Group
  - Parish Website
  - Repository Shop
  - Parish Newsletter

3. Music
  - Ballinteer Male Voice Choir
  - St. John's Gospel Choir

4. Liturgy
  - Sacristy Team
  - Baptism Team
  - Altar Servers
  - Funeral Liturgy Team
  - Minsters of the Eucharist
  - Ministers of the Word
  - Aifreann Gaeilge

5. Prayer
  - Parish Cell Community
  - Eucharistic Adoration
  - Intercessory Prayer Team
  - Padre Pio Blessing – last Friday of each month
  - Benediction – 1st Friday of each month
  - Rosary is said each Friday morning at 9:40am

6. Children and Young People
  - Sacramental Preparation and Family Mass
  - Youth Club, Dundrum Pastoral Centre every 2nd Friday 7pm to 9pm (secondary school students)

7.Groups catering for people with specific needs in the Parish and beyond
  - Saint Vincent de Paul Society
  - Twinning
  - Saint Joseph's Young Priests Society
  - Legion of Mary and Patricians
  - Bethany Group - meet in Marley Grange Parish Centre - on 3rd Tuesday of the month from 7pm to 8pm
  - Faith and Light Community