Ballinteer Church

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Church Services and Life Events


Ballinteer Parish is part of the Pastoral Area of Ballinteer, Meadowbrook and Dundrum. Canon Liam Belton P.P. is Moderator of all three parishes.

St John the Evangelist church, Ballinteer Avenue , Dublin 16, is located between the Applegreen service station and the SuperValu shopping centre and it is approximately 1 km from the main entrance to the beautiful Marlay Park.   Directions & map

There are a number of particular church services and life events which centre on the parish.


We have a Baptism Team who organise baptism in our parish.
Baptisms usually take place on the first and last Sundays of each month after the Sunday 12:30 p.m. Mass. Calendar of dates for Baptism

Parents will be contacted by a member of the Baptism Team during the week prior to the Baptism to meet with first time parents.
In the case of a previous child being baptised, they will discuss procedures with parents over the phone.

Dates, and forms for booking baptisms are available via the links below, and also from the sacristy or Parish Office.

NOTE: It is very important to complete and return the two forms (the Baptism Form & the Baptism Form Privacy Statement) together with a copy of your child's civil birth certificate.

You must give at least one month's notice and before forwarding please contact the Parish Office to confirm availability on the date required as there are a limited number of places available each month.

Baptisms may be viewed on the Parish WebCam.

Use the links below to print a baptism request form, to see the schedule of baptism dates, or to print a baptism certificate request form.

Baptismal font

Baptism request form (PDF)

Calendar of dates for Baptism

Baptism Certificate Request (PDF for download and print)

Baptism Certificates are issued in the Parish Office

First Communion

First Communions are usually organised through the child's school at the age of about eight years when they are in 2nd class.

More information on First Communion


 As with First Communion, Confirmation is usually organised through the child's school.

More information on Confirmation


There are numerous regulations, both Church and State, to be complied with in arranging a wedding. In the first instance you should talk to Canon Liam Belton, P.P., Moderator, Tel: 494 4448 / 499 4203. A minimum of three months' notice is required. Six months' notice is required if either party is under 18 years old.

Marriage ceremonies may be viewed on the Parish WebCam.

Planning to get married - more details on weddings in our parish plus some very good pre-marriage sites


The Funeral Team was set up to assist the parish by visiting the families and helping them to prepare the liturgy. The team are also present on the morning of the funeral, and to be available, if needed, to go to the Crematorium or Cemetery.
The priests of the parish will assist with the arrangements for the funeral service.
Please contact the Parish Priest, Canon Liam Belton at 01-494 4448 or Parish Office.
You may also call to the sacristy after Mass.
Most of the details regarding the burial / cremation can be made by the undertaker.

For those unable to attend, funeral ceremonies may be viewed on the Parish WebCam

Sacrament for those Housebound

If you know anybody who is housebound and would like to receive Holy Communion, please leave their contact details in the sacristy. For further details contact the Parish Office.

Mass for Special Intentions

If you wish to have a Mass celebrated for a special intention, please call into the sacristy after any Mass. If you require the Mass to be said on a specific date or time, you should give as much notice as possible.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Confessions: on Saturdays: From 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. before the Vigil Mass, or by special request.


Eucharistic Adoration.
Adoration times are as follows:
- Monday 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: After 9:30 a.m. Mass until 1:00 p.m.

In addition to this we have Benediction after the 9:30 a.m. Mass on the First Friday of each month.

Come along between any of the above times and spend just one hour in the presence of Jesus.
For those who would like to have adoration in the afternoon, it is available in Meadowbrook from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.

The Perpetual Novena in honour of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal will be held at morning Mass each Monday and in the oratory on each Monday evening at 7:15 p.m. with rosary.