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Planning to get Married

Scroll down the page to get some help with your Wedding preparations including some pre-marriage courses. You may also print two documents regarding Wedding Preperations for our Church i.e.Registration details and a form for provisional booking of our Church for a wedding......

The priests of the parish wish you every blessing and happiness on the occasion of your forthcoming marriage. The marriage of two people is a very special celebration. We hope that the following information will be helpful to you. It is very important that you have everything arranged including booking the Church & the various documents in good time to avoid any disappointment.

There are numerous regulations, both Church and State to be complied with in arranging a wedding. In the first instance you should talk to the Priest in your parish. Our Parish Priest, Canon Liam Belton, Moderator, would be delighted to meet and discuss your wedding with you and he may be contacted at the following number: Canon Liam Belton, Tel: 494 4448 or 499 4203 (Parish Office)

Please remember that a minimum of three (3) months notice is required. Six (6) months notice required if either party is under 18 years of age.

Use the links below to print details of Registration for Marriage and a Wedding Booking Form.

Wedding Registration details (PDF)

Wedding Booking Form (PDF)

Pre-Marriage Course

Just to make sure that your married life runs as beautifully as your actual wedding day, we have included details of a pre-marriage courses for your information.

Attending a Marriage Preparation Course gives you time together as a couple to focus on your relationship. You will be introduced to skills that will and qualities that may help you meet your high expectations of married life. All of this takes place in the company of other couples preparing for Marriage. You will meet other couples and will be able to discuss issues with them that are relevant to this stage of your relationship. All this will take place in an atmosphere that is encouraging. Courses are delivered by facilitators who are married themselves.

There are some very good pre-marriage courses available and 5 of these are listed below........

One is the Together Pre-Marriage Course, led by a priest from Mount Argus, Dublin, and a parishioner from this parish.

Together Pre Marriage Courses

Contact: Angela O'Rourke, 18 The Drive, Woodpark, Tel: 01-296 4257.

You may also check out some very good pre-marriage websites at the links below:

ACCORD Dublin has a new website. For sacramental marriage preparation courses or for marriage and relationship counselling please visit


Nazareth Family Institute

Since the closure of the All Hallows course in April 2014 they have suggested the "Together" pre-marriage course.


Together - Pre Marriage Course