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50th Anniversary of Ballinter Parish


The 50th Anniversary of our Parish took place on 8th December 2023.

The 40th Anniversary of our Parish took place on 8th December 2013.

The 30th Anniversary of our Parish took place on 8th December 2003.

Altar Servers

Required: Boys and girls who have made their First Holy Communion to assist the Priest at Mass and other Church services.

If you are interested in serving why not talk to Canon Liam, P.P., Moderator.

Alternatively, you can leave your details with the Parish Office Tel: 499 4203.

Genealogical Links

The Ballinteer Family History Society ran from April 1993 until it's final lecture in November 2006. However, we have kept the link open so that you may still access some excellent Genealogical Links which will assist you in researching Family History.

We hope you find the various sites usefull.

Monsignor Dan O'Connor

Monsignor Dan O'Connor, Episcopal Vicar for Education

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin appointed Very Rev. Msgr. Dan O'Connor, (formerly of Ballinteer Gardens) Episcopal Vicar for Education, Archbishops House, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 and Parish Chaplin to Ringsend Parish, St. Mary's, Irishtown Road, Dublin 4.

Faith and Light

The Ballinteer Faith and Light Community

Contact : Patricia Kelly at 087 364 2933

The Little Lights Community meet in the Conference Room of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Ballinteer at 3 p.m. on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

Here we meet together, to talk together, to play together and to pray together.

All Welcome

Faith and Light was founded by Jean Vanier and Marie-Helene Mathieu in 1968 to bring together people with a learning difficulty, also their families and carers and also people who would like to be their friends.

They form a community and meet regulary in the belief that the person with the learning difficulty is really important with something to contribute to society and to the Church. and has the capasity to develop both spiritually and humanly.

Faith and Light website.

Intercessory Prayer Team

The Parish Intercessory Prayer Team meet regulary to pray for all in our parish and for the particular needs of those who ask for prayer.

They can be contacted on 087-1744839


The meetings are held every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. in the Conference Room and you are very welcome to come along.

'Queen of the Most Holy Rosary' Praesidium, Ballinteer.

Meetings every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. in the Conference Room.

Come as a guest to a Legion of Mary meeting!

There's no obligation!

Contact Name : Mary Lynch at 086-3616453

Everyone is welcome


Missing persons

The Missing Irish People website is dedicated to finding Irish Missing People throughout the world.

The site is maintained by Fr Aquinas T. Duffy P.P., Templeogue Parish, Dublin and we at St. John the Evangelist Parish, Ballinteer, are pleased to have a link to the site.

Please take a few minutes to browse the site and tell your friends about it. With God's help you may recognise someone and just think of the hope that it could bring to family and friends of the missing person.

The Venerable Matt Talbot

Matt Talbot

Who was Matt Talbot?

Matt Talbot was a working class Dubliner born in the middle of the nineteenth century.

He was someone who through a profound religious conversion overcame his addiction to alcohol and went on to live a reformed life of heroic sanctity.

He is the model and inspiration for all those struggling with addictions of various kinds and for those who work with them.

Summary of Matt Talbot

The full Matt Talbot story and the Matt Talbot Prayer.

Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto


Opening and blessing of the Grotto.

Parish Walking Group

Kilmashogue Wood Car Park - Saturday mornings - 11:00 a.m. for approximately one and a half hour walk.

There may also be a 9.30 a.m. walk, but it is important to phone in advance to check situation.

Enquiries are very welcome. Phone 01 494 1948 for further information.

or e-mail the Parish Office at

Ministers of the Word

Ministers Of The Word proclaim the Word Of God, reading the Sacred Scripture during Mass and other Church ceremonies.

Just as we need The Bread Of Life, so too do we need The Word Of God. Scripture is a source of great hope and light in times of darkness and sorrow.

The Ministry Of the Word Of God is an important lay contribution to the life of the Church. Becoming a Reader will give you an opportunity to partake more fully in The Mass and you will also help your fellow parishioners towards a greater understanding of Scripture.

We are always looking to recruit additional Ministers, and expertise in public speaking or top grades in elocution lessons are NOT required! What is needed is a commitment to your faith. Everything else comes from The Holy Spirit.

Readers are only required to read at one or two Masses every five weeks. The Readers Group is divided into five rotating teams, each with a leader who organises the team on their week.

If you would like to find out more - or volunteer to join us - please contact:

Brendan Lane, Secretary, phone: 298 8977 or e-mail: Ministers of the Word

or Contact the Priests of the parish or the Parish Office.

Suggestions for Ministers Of The Word on improving your reading

Ballinteer Church Repository Shop

Repository Shop

The Parish Shop has a large selection of Spiritual reading, religious objects and cards for all occasions...

The shop will not be open in the near future, but a large selection of stock is available on the tables at the back of the church and in the oratory porch. Please pay for all items in the slot in the back wall or at the pamphlet rack.


The banners are on display on the Sanctury wall behind the Altar in our Parish Church.

Larger photos and details of the Banners

Parents of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Louis and Marie-Zélie Martin, parents of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, were beatified on Mission Sunday, 19th October 2008 at the Cathedral of Lisieux.

They were canonized on Sunday 18th October, 2015 by Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square in Rome

The Little Flower website

Saint Padre Pio

St Pio

The full sized statue of St. Pio which was purchased by the late Canon Battelle for the parish in Italy in 2003 may be seen in the Church.

Blessing of Statue

The statue of St. Pio was blessed at Mass on Monday 3rd November 2003 in the Church.

Fr Richard Hendrick OFM, a former parishioner and now a Capuchin Priest, was invited back by Canon Battelle to bless the statue. Photos of the special Mass.

Prayer to Saint Pio

O God, you gave Saint Pio of Pietrelicina, Capuchin priest, the great privilege of participating in a unique way in the passion of Your Son, grant me through his intercession the grace of ... which I ardently desire; and above all grant me the grace of living in conformity with the death of Jesus, to arrive at the glory of the resurrection.

Glory be to the Father (three times)

Click on the photo below to read a summary of St. Padre Pio's Life.

The Life of St. Pio- Click Here

Sean Roche

Although the award to Sean was made back in 2007 we decided to leave it up as Sean continues his good work in the area.

Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council held an awards ceremony for the Tidy Districts Competition on Thursday, 11 October 2007. The was made by Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council under their Tidy Districts Awards 2007.

Sean has been active in Woodpark Residents' Association for many years. Sean Roche one of twelve people in the County to receive a Community Environmentalist award from the Cathaoirleach, Councillor Denis O'Callaghan.

Congratulations Sean, you have done Ballinteer proud.