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Ballinteer Family History Society

Ballinteer Family History Society was formed in April 1993. The founder of the Society, the late Chris Ryan who died in January 2008, moved to the midlands and unfortunately this was the final lecture of the Society.

Our readers will remember Chris as the man who wrote two wonderful books on the history of St. John the Evangelist, Ballinteer. The first was on the 25th Anniversary of our parish church in 1998 and the second was for the 30th anniversary of our church in 1973.

I am sure that everyone will join with me in offering our sympathy to Lily and the family on the death of Chris. It was a fitting tribute to Chris & Lily that we had a very good attendance on the night of the HB lecture which showed our appreciation for their excellent service to Ballinteer Parish.

Monthly lectures were arranged for the 3rd. Thursday of each month. These were conducted at 8.00pm at the Conference Room of St John the Evangelist Church, Ballinteer Avenue, Dundrum - from February to June & September to November, inclusive -. All who had an interest in researching their own family history were most welcome to attend our meetings. People were updated with the latest programme of lectures by refering to the Parish Newsletter.

The Society produced an annual journal entitled Gateway to the Past in January of each year. The contents of the January 2000 edition (Vol. 3, No. 1) includes the following -
*a history of the Bartar family of Cork and Dublin from 1640;
*emigration of Irish families from Clare (O'Gorman) Westmeath, Kildare (Beauforts) and Galway (Lynch, Cullen, Ryan, O'Donnell) to Argentina;
*the Ryans of Kilnahowan (Co Galway);
*the names of those fifty-eight members of the Australian hierarchy with Irish birth from 1842 to 1982;
*The Irish in Argentina;
*the Irish Influence on the Australian Church;
*a Selection of Barter Families living in Dublin.
*a list of the genealogical projects produced by the first group of University College of Dublin graduates with a College certificate in Genealogy (this two-year programme was organised and conducted by Sean Murphy MA).

The contents of the January 2001 edition (Vol. 3, No. 2) includes the following -
*The Cullen/O'Cullen Family name;
*Freeman's Journal 1917;
*Emigration to California (Jan.1849);
*The Irish Aboard Titanic;
*Walker's Hibernian Magazine (1771-1812) - anomalies of Irish Marriages;
*Book Reviews.

A History of the Parish of St. John the Evangelist was compiled on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the parish - 1973-98 - this is still available at the Church Repository Shop.

Simpson's Hospital - An Establishment for Dispensing Hospitality was published by the Society in December 2000. This is a database of some 5,000 names of applicants who applied for admission to the hospital. These records commence in 1817 and continue to the 1940s and includes the following details re these applicants - address, age, profession/occupation, date(s) of application for admission. In the case of the last 300 names the date of death/expulsion is also given. A copy of this publication may be obtained from the Society or at local bookshops: 105 pages; ISBN: 0-9539660-0-3.
The introduction gives a brief historical overview of this hospital, which was first built at Great Britain Street (now known as Parnell Street, Dublin) in 1871 and continued until 1925 when it was transferred to Wyckham.

The townland of Ballinteer (282a. 1rd. 24p) is located about six miles due south from the City of Dublin. It is in the barony of Rathdown and one of the seventeen townlands in the civil parish of Taney, which has a total area of 4,556a. 1rd. 16p; besides Ballinteer these townlands include Balally; Churchtown Lower and Upper; Drummartin, Dundrum; Farrenboley; Friarstown; Kingston; Mountanville; Mountmerrion (or Callary); Mountmerrion South; Rathmines Great & Little; Roebuck; Tiknock; Trimlestown (or Owenstown) and for that reason the society has indexed Griffith's Valuation and the 1901 and 1911 census for the parish of Taney.

The following Genealogical Links will assist in researching Family History:

The National Library

Search for an ancestor using Google

The National Archives

Ballinteer Family History Society

The General Registrar Office for Birth, Marriage & Death Certs

Irish Roots Quarterly Journal